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Welcome to the Town of Ellington


5th Annual Earth Day Celebration

Earth Day Banner

The 5th Annual Earth Day Celebration, sponsored by the Town of Ellington and Earthlight Technologies, will be held on Saturday, April 20th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on the Town Green and Nellie McKnight Museum, 70 Main Street. Individuals of all ages can check out local businesses, organizations and vendors who will be promoting practices that can make Ellington even more eco-friendly. Highlights of the celebrations include “Clean Up Your Neighborhood Day”, clothing and household goods collection, packing material collection, bottle and can drive, and over 70 vendors along with live entertainment, refreshments, games, educational activities, and exhibits.  

Residents are encouraged to participate in “Clean Up Your Neighborhood Day” by collecting roadside litter in their neighborhoods or favorite Ellington school or park. Trash bags can be obtained at Public Works and a dumpster will be provided on the day of the festivities at the Nellie McKnight Museum for collected trash. Please separate any returnable bottles and cans in a separate bag. Clothing, shoes, hand bags, linens, household goods including  furniture items will also be collected. Use the Nellie McKnight Museum pull through driveway to drop off items. Please be sure donated items are in usable condition. Peanut Planet will be collecting packaging materials on the green. Bottles and cans will also be collected. 

Please contact Rebecca Einsiedel in the First Selectman/Town Administrator's Office at 860-870-3100 option 8 or email for more details. 


First page of the PDF file: 5thAnnualEllingtonEarthDayVendorFormFinal

Earth Day 2024
