Health Resources
- COVID-19
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)
- North Central Opioid Addiction Task Force
- ProAct Prescription Discounts
- Rehab Services
- Today I Matter
- Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut
- Other Health and Wellness Resources
Effective May 19th, all of the business sector rules that were previously enacted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have been lifted.
Connecticut's protocols regarding masks and face coverings were updated to align with the recently modified CDC recommendations. The protocols that are currently in effect statewide are as follows:
- Masks not required
- Vaccinated not required to wear masks
- Unvaccinated must wear masks
- Masks are required to be worn by everyone in certain settings such as healthcare facilities, facilities housing vulnerable populations, public and private transit, correctional facilities, schools, and childcare
- Businesses and state and local government offices have the option to require masks to be worn by everyone in their establishments
- December 7, 2020 First Selectman Update
- November 5, 2020 COVID-19 First Selectman Update
- October 30, 2020 COVID-19 First Selectman Update
The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) has a weekly, color-coded COVID-19 alert system for every city and town in the state, showing the average daily case rate per 100,000 population for the last two weeks. The new weekly alert level is also accompanied by municipal-level guidance on recommended actions for individual residents, institutions such as schools, houses of worship and community organizations, plus municipal leaders and local health directors.
Click here for more information, including an interactive map and additional guidance and resources.
Click here for the Ellington Public Schools 2020-2021 Reopening Plans, FAQs and Communications
State of CT COVID-19 Official Website (click here)
Governor Lamont’s Executive Orders: (click here)
Governor Lamont’s Press Releases: (click here)
FAQs from Governor Lamont’s Office (click here)
Federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Official Website (click here)
Ellington Board of Education COVID-19 Information and Updates (2019-2020) (click here)
10/16/2020: The State of CT Department of Public Health Issues
New Weekly COVID-19 Alert System with Guidance for Municipal Response (click here)
Connecticut Testing Locator (click here)
If you don’t have a primary care provider, you can still get tested for COVID-19. There are places like community health centers across the state that can administer a test and may be taking new patients for other medical care. The community health centers offer on-site health evaluations as well as on-site COVID-19 testing. Please call 2-1-1 or visit to find a testing location near you.
Please note that, per our Public Works Department, playgrounds are still closed, and all related play will be at your own risk.
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)
Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) is a rare but serious disease caused by a virus. Please stay informed by visiting this page and following the links to the State of CT Department of Public Health as well as the North Central District Health Department (NCDHD).
For the most current information, please be sure to visit the State of CT Department of Health and the Governor's page.
North Central Opioid Addiction Task Force
This task force, comprised of representatives from Ellington, East Windsor, Enfield, Somers, Suffield, Windsor and Windsor Locks, was created to look for ways to address the increase in opioid addiction.
For more information about the Task Force contact:
Colleen Sullivan, MSW, Prevention Coordinator
Town of Enfield - Youth Services
(860) 253-6382
- Naloxone (Narcon) The Opioid Overdose Antidote
- Opioid Epidemic & How to Help
- Preventing Teen Abuse of Prescription Drugs
- Resources and Information
- The Recovery Village: an Advanced Recovery Systems Brand Contact Carlos Davila, Awareness Advocate at
Walk-in centers across the state are always available to provide an evaluation or referral, and encourage those in need of treatment to reach out when they feel they are ready to do so. Individual courses of treatment and services will be planned according to specific needs and eligibility. Centers work directly with patients and insurance companies to determine what works best for them, and resolve any challenges that may stand in the way of them and their treatment.
For a list of walk-in assessment centers and their hours, please visit the DMHAS website.
Opioid Addiction Prevention - Naxolone (Narcon) Initiative Information
ProAct Prescription Discounts
Connecticut Prescription Savings Program
Endorsed by CCM
This program is offered by your Local Government Executives and the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities to help lower the prescription drug cost for Connecticut residents. There is no charge to you or the Municipality to belong to this program.
Available to Connecticut State residents, in certain towns, regardless of age, income, or current health coverage.
- FREE for Your City/Town and FREE for participants.
- Every prescription medication, including some pet medications, is eligible for a discount.
- Simply present your discount card at a participating pharmacy when filling a new prescription and start saving.
- For questions contact: 1-855-702-7283
Rehab Services
Today I Matter
Today I Matter is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established in memory of Timothy Lally.
Our mission is to reduce the stigma and shame of mental illness and addiction, and to promote the physical, emotional, and mental health of our community.
We are committed to promoting and advocating for the physical, emotional, and mental health of all in our communities. We are dedicated to speaking out and educating the public at large about recognizing, preventing, and treating these illnesses. In addition, we support positive health through the arts, education, sports, and other activities that enhance each individual’s self-image and sense of well-being.
Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut
- Visit the website for more information