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Welcome to the Town of Ellington

Budget Process

The process of developing, reviewing and approving the annual budget is set forth in Chapter XI of Ellington's charter (pg 21).  The total budget (expenditures) is made up of (1) the general government budget, (2) the board of education budget and (3) the capital budget.  The first step of the process is the development of the capital budget.  The capital budget is a tool for planning for municipal improvements and the purchase of larger fixed assets valued at $20,000 or more.   Town departments must submit their annual capital budget requests to the Board of Selectmen no later than December 1 each year.  During the month of January, the Board of Selectmen review and deliberate on the proposed capital improvements budget.  In February, the Board of Selectmen presents the Board of Finance the capital improvements budget for their review.

During the months of January and February, all town departments, boards and commissions submit their annual operating budget proposals to the finance officer and the town administrator.  All budgets are reviewed and revised, if applicable, in order to meet the guidelines set forth by the Board of Finance.  In early March, presentations on the proposed town budget is made to the Board of Selectman for review and deliberation.  In mid-March, the Board of Selectmen and Board of Education will then present their respective budgets to the Board of Finance for consideration. One or more public hearings are also held to allow members of the public to comment specifically about the proposed budgets.  A public hearing on the entire budget is held at the Ellington High School in April.  Based on feedback from the community, the Board of Finance holds additional meetings to deliberate on the proposed budgets, inclusive of revenue, capital improvements, general government and Board of Education budget requests.  Once the Board of Finance approves a final budget proposal, the proposal will be sent to the Annual Town Meeting, and will be published on the town's website and in the local paper for further public review. 

The budget put forth to the community for a vote includes not only the proposed expenditures of all departments and the Board of Education, but also the estimated revenue from state and federal grants, investment earnings, property taxes, other income, and any approved appropriation from the town's fund balance. 

The charter at Section 702 requires the Annual Town Budget Meeting to be convened on the 2nd Tuesday of May.  At such meeting town citizens in attendance may vote to adopt the budget or vote to adjourned to referendum.  If adjourned to referendum, then the polls will be opened and voting on the budget will occur throughout the scheduled day.  This will occur 14 days after the decision to hold a referendum.   If the total votes are in favor of the proposed budgets, then the budget is adopted.  If the budget is not adopted, then a new referendum will be held every other week until such time as the budget is approved by a majority of voters voting.

All meetings are public and agendas are posted as soon as available but no later than 24-hours before the scheduled meeting time.

Click HERE for a general schedule of budget meetings.

Board of Education budget information can be found here.

Date Meeting Materials
1/6/25 Capital Improvements Sub-Committee-AGENDA Capital Improvements Budget - Proposed
1/8/25 Board of Ed Budget Meeting-AGENDA See Board of Ed Page for additional dates and materials
1/15/25 Board of Ed Budget Meeting Superintendent's Budget Message
1/27/25 Bd of Selectmen Capital Improvements Deliberations  
2/4/25 Capital Improvements Budget Presentation to Board of Finance  
3/3/25 Board of Selectmen Budget Meeting  
3/12/25 Board of Ed Budget Hearing  
3/13/25 Board of Selectmen/Commissions Budget Hearing  
4/8/25 Budget Public Hearing (EHS Auditorium)  
4/10/25 Budget Deliberations  
4/15/25 Budget Deliberations  
5/6/25 Budget proposal publication  
5/13/25 Annual Town Budget Meeting (EHS Auditorium) Budget may be voted on by those present or adjourned to referendum.  
5/20/25 Board of Finance sets Mill Rate for 2025-2026 (If budget passed on 5/13.)  
5/27/25 Budget Referendum (Tentative-If proposed budget is referred to referendum at 5/13 meeting.)