Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) is responsible for maintaining the Town's Plan of Conservation and Development, as well as processing subdivision, site plan, special permit, and other development applications. These applications are processed in accordance with regulations, such as the zoning and subdivision regulations.
In addition, the PZC reviews proposed public improvements for consistency with land use goals and objectives and makes recommendations to the Board of Selectmen regarding the acceptance of public streets and open space areas. Through its staff, the PZC is obligated by law to ensure that developments comply with applicable regulations and approved plans through the issuance of zoning permits and certificates of zoning compliance.
Members are elected to 4-year terms and alternates are appointed to 2-year terms.
Regulations, Application Form, Guides & Other Info
Use the "PZC" tab on the linked page to find information specific to the Planning and Zoning Commission.