Pay Taxes
To pay your motor vehicle taxes, visit the
Town of Ellington Payment page.
In general, motor vehicles are subject to taxation in the city or town where, in the normal course of their operation, they most frequently leave from and return to or remain, although state law provides some exceptions to this general rule (State Statute Chapter 203 - Sec. 12-71).
Motor vehicle taxes are due in full in July with a 30-day grace period.
Motor Vehicles
Motor Vehicle tax bills cover the period of October 1 through September 30. If a vehicle is replaced after October 1 and the registration is transferred to another vehicle, this bill is still due. In January, an automatic credit for this vehicle will be reflected on a supplemental bill.
For vehicles that are sold, stolen or totally destroyed, and the registration is not transferred to another vehicle, or if the owner has moved out of Connecticut, the owner may be eligible for a tax credit. To obtain a credit, the owner must furnish proof as required by the Assessor. For more information, view the Assessment page.
Delinquent Motor Vehicle Taxes
Delinquent Motor Vehicle Taxes are reported to the State of Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles. Delinquent taxes will prevent a vehicle owner from obtaining or renewing their vehicle registration. Anyone needing a motor vehicle clearance must pay the tax bill on all vehicles owned in cash or certified funds. Any taxes listed under the owner's name must be brought current. The Tax Collector may also require a forthcoming bill to be paid in full before granting clearance.
If you have accessed this site to pay delinquent motor vehicle taxes to clear your name at DMV for registration, the following criteria
must be met:
1. All vehicles, including vehicles in other names you are linked with on any registration, must be paid in full.
2. Payments must be made at the Tax office with cash, money order, or Cashier check. The tax compliance will be removed within 24 hours of your payment.
If you choose to make an online payment, DMV clearance will not be issued for 3 business days.
NO exceptions.
Please call the Tax Office at 860-870-3113 after three days to request DMV Clearance.
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