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Welcome to the Town of Ellington

Registrars of Voters


The Office of the Registrars of Voters is governed by Connecticut State Statutes with the core objective to protect and defend voter rights and the integrity of the election process. The Office promotes transparency and impartiality in the conduct of elections and in maintaining the Town's voter registration records.

Public hours are Wednesdays 9:00am-1:00pm, or by appointment; please call 860-870-3107 to schedule a time with one of the Registrars.

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Click the image below if you need to register to vote 

Register to Vote
Early Voting October 21-November 3, 2024 at the Town Annex, 57 Main Street

Find Details Here

November 5, 2024 Presidential Election for all Eligible Voters at your assigned polling location, EHS or Crystal Lake School

There are three ways in which voters may vote in the November 5, 2024 Presidential Election:

Voting in Person

You may vote in person on Election Day at your assigned polling location: Ellington High School or Crystal Lake School. If you are not sure, you may use the look up link here or call your Registrars of Voters.  You will go to the Official Checker assigned to your street and vote as you always do.

This is the first November election in Connecticut that voters have the option of voting in person prior to Election Day. This offers the convenience of voting during posted hours each of the weekdays, weekends, and some evenings during the two weeks leading up to the election.  

When and Where? Early Voting will run October 21-November 3, 2024 at the Town Annex 57 Main Street Details 

Here is what you can expect. When you arrive at the Early Voting location, you will check in and be verified as an eligible voter. You will then receive your ballot with an envelope. You will complete your ballot at a privacy booth and seal it in the approved envelope. Before you leave, place the sealed envelope in the secure receptacle as instructed by the election officials. Ballots will be secured, unopened, until Election Day. 

How is it ensured people do not vote twice? The election official at your Early Voting location will record that you have cast your ballot, preventing you from voting early at any other location, submitting an absentee ballot, or voting on Election Day.

How does Early Voting differ from voting by Absentee Ballot? Absentee Ballot voting requires a reason (see below), while Early Voting is an option for any bona fide voter without a specific reason that you cannot be at the polls on Election Day. Early Voting requires that you appear in person only—there is no mail in or drop box option. 

The Absentee Ballot Voting Option

Currently in Connecticut, electors may vote using an Absentee Ballot if they are unable to vote at their designated polling place on Election Day only for these reasons:

  • Absence from town during all voting hours,
  • Sickness or physical disability (not necessarily your sickness or disability),
  • Active service in the Military,
  • Religious tenets forbid secular activity on the day of the election,
  • Duties as an election official elsewhere during the hours of voting.

The Absentee Ballot process has two steps; first the voter must complete an application and then mail or drop off the application to the Town Clerk (first floor in Town Hall). The Town Clerk will then provide you with your ballot. Please, follow the instructions very carefully to make sure your ballot will be counted. 

Voter Registration Summary for Ellington
(Updated August 1, 2024)
Area  Democrat  Republican  Unaffiliated  Other  Total
District 1 1,801 1,917 3,445 121 7,284
District 2 591 734 1,149 36 2,510
District 3 337 434 687 29 1,487
 Town (Total) 2,729 3,085 5,281 186 11,281

Wanda DeLand

Republican Registrar of Voters

Lois Timms-Ferrara

Democratic Registrar of Voters
Ph: 860-870-3107
Fax: 860-870-3108

55 Main Street
P.O. Box 187
Ellington, CT 06029