Q. What materials can I recycle in curbside recycling carts?
A. You can recycle paper, cardboard, glass bottles, jars, plastic containers, aluminum, and tin cans. Please ensure all items are clean and free of food residue before recycling. Have a question about a specific item? Click on the Recycling Guide tab.
Q. What items are not accepted in the recycling bin?
A. Plastic bags, Styrofoam, motor oil containers, electronics, batteries, light bulbs, and hazardous materials are not accepted in the recycling bin. Have a question about a specific item? Click on the Recycling Guide tab.
Q. How do I dispose of electronic devices and batteries?
A. Electronic devices and batteries must be disposed of through specific recycling programs. Please bring them to the town’s Recycling Center. For more details on locations and times, click on the Recycling Center tab.
Q. Can I recycle plastic bags?
A. No, plastic bags should not be placed in your recycling bin. Many grocery stores and retailers offer collection bins for plastic bag recycling. Find drop-off locations at NexTrex®.
Q. What is Bulky Waste, and how do I schedule service?
A. Bulky Waste service is available for large items like furniture, mattresses, and appliances. To schedule a pickup, please call All American Waste at 860-289-7850.
Q. How do I dispose of hazardous materials?
A. Hazardous items must be taken to Manchester Sanitation Department during a hazardous waste collection event. For more details on locations and times, click on the Hazardous Waste tab.
Q. How do I dispose of grease, oils, and fats?
A. Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) advises residents to avoid pouring grease, oil, or fats down the drain, as this can clog pipes and lead to sewer issues. Instead, let the oil cool, place it in a sturdy container, and dispose of it in the trash. Businesses are required to partner with licensed companies for recycling or responsible disposal of fryer oils.
For full guidelines, visit the DEEP’s waste management page.
Q. Can contractors use the town’s brush dump?
A. No, the brush dump is only available to Ellington residents for personal use. Contractors and commercial users are not allowed. Proof of residency and a punch card are required for entry.
Q. What materials are accepted at the Ellington Brush Dump?
A. The brush dump accepts brush and leaves only. Stumps, lumber, and other debris are not accepted. Materials must come from properties in Ellington.
Q. How do I obtain a brush dump punch card?
A. Brush dump punch cards can be purchased from the Public Works office. For more details on locations and times, click on the Brush Dump tab.
Q. What should I do with construction debris?
A. Construction debris, such as drywall, concrete, or large amounts of wood, should be taken to a designated waste facility. It is not accepted in regular trash or bulk pickup services.
Q. Can I recycle pizza boxes?
A. Pizza boxes can be recycled only if they are free from grease and food residue. Please discard any heavily soiled portions in the trash.
Q. Where can I find more information about recycling and trash services?
A. For more information, click on the different tabs on the Trash & Recycling webpage (Recycling Center, Curbside, Recycling Guide, Brush Dump, Hazardous Waste, Info Desk) or contact Trash & Recycling at 860-870-3140 or recycle@ellington-ct.gov.