Snowfall Maintenance
Ellington residents are reminded that the Ordinance Concerning Parking on Public Highways within the Town of Ellington prohibits street parking during and after any period of snowfall or icy conditions in order that the Department of Public Works will be able to safely and efficiently remove the hazards of snow and ice from the roads.
Snow Removal from Sidewalks
The Sidewalk Ordinance regarding snow and ice removal requires the owner, occupant or person having the care, maintenance or rental of the land, building or premises adjoining or fronting upon a sidewalk to remove snow, sleet or ice within 36 hours following the cessation of the fall of snow or sleet. Failure to do so could result in a fine.
Contact the First Selectman's Office at 860-870-3100 if you have any questions regarding the above ordinances.
Snow Removal from Fire Hydrants
Residents are asked to clear any snow from fire hydrants on your property or nearby. Open a path to the hydrant and clear an area all around the hydrant. All fire hydrants should have a reflective pole marker. If the one near you does not, please call the Ellington Volunteer Fire Dept. at 860-870-3190 and leave a message with the specific location of the fire hydrant.
Mailboxes should be inspected before the ground freezes so that any rotted or damaged posts can be repaired, please check to see that your mailbox is securely fastened to the post. Mailboxes that are damaged by the snow load will not be repaired by the Town. The post to the mailbox should be 3.5 to 4 ft. back from the curb and the face of the box 12 inches from the curb. If you have questions, please call the Department of Public Works at 860-870-3140 or email the department.
Check out these tips and information from the USPS regarding curbside mailboxes,
as well as a note or two from Ellington DPW.
Sand is available to residents throughout the winter months. The pile is located at the Town Garage, 21 Main St on the Firehouse side of the property. This pile is restricted to residents only, no contractors please.