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Welcome to the Town of Ellington

Public Works Department

Duties & Responsibilities

It is the duty of the Department of Public Works to:

  • Maintain, repair, clean and remove snow from all public town streets;
  • Maintain and operate storm sewers and other drains
  • Care for and maintain all town buildings other than those under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education
  • Prepare or supervise the preparation of plans and specifications for the construction or reconstruction of streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, storm sewers, drains, public buildings and other structures and construct or supervise the construction of the same
  • Care for parks, grassed areas in streets and public grounds, including athletic fields under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education and the Parks and Recreation Commission
  • Plant and care for trees within the street line
  • Maintain the facilities and grounds which come under the jurisdiction of the Water Pollution Control Facility
  • Handle the Town's garbage and recycling program
Plans & Projects

Check out this feature from CASHO's Highways & Byways magazine

View the plans to the West Road Sidewalk Project:


Thomas Modzelewski

Department of Public Works Director/Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) Administrator

Carolyn Kidney

Administrative Assistant, DPW

Taylor Olson


Samuel Saunders

Recycling & Refuse Manager


Email the Office

Ph: 860-870-3140
Fax: 860-870-3147
Emergency: 860-870-3140 Option #3
Please leave a message and your call will be returned.

21 Main Street
P.O. Box 187
Ellington, CT 06029

Department Hours

Monday-Thursday, 6:30 am - 3:30 pm
Friday, 6:30 am - 12:30 pm

After business hours, please leave a voicemail or send an email; DPW will respond as soon as possible.