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Welcome to the Town of Ellington

Human Resources

Department Duties & Responsibilities

The Human Resources function is led by the Town Administrator through the First Selectman's Office and provides service in the areas of:

  • Recruitment, onboarding and recognition of staff
  • Personnel policies
  • Employee benefit administration - detailed descriptions of each benefit and specific benefit plan terms are available upon request.
  • Employee assistance program
  • Compliance with employment and labor laws
  • Labor relations
  • Workplace safety
  • Employee education training and development

The First Selectman acts as the Personnel Director and administers all personnel policies and procedures of the Town. The Town Administrator oversees the Human Resources function.

Insurance & Risk Management

The Finance Officer/Treasurer acts as the Insurance/Risk Manager and administers the insurance and payroll functions. 

Training & Resources



Lori Spielman

First Selectman

LouAnn Cannella

Human Resources Coordinator

Matthew Reed

Town Administrator
Ph: 860-870-3100
Fax: 860-870-3102

55 Main Street
P.O. Box 187
Ellington, CT 06029