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Welcome to the Town of Ellington

Reporting Violations

Report open burning that is affecting your health or quality of life:   If the burning is currently occurring you should notify Central Dispatch at 911.  A fire officer will respond and order that the fire be extinguished.  If your complaint is being made after-the-fact, please notify the Dept. of Town Fire Marshal;  a written complaint may or may not be required, depending upon the nature of the complaint.

Report obstructions to a posted fire lane:  If you observe a vehicle parked within a posted fire lane you may notify the local police at 860-875-1522.  For other obstructions, such as dumpsters, outside stored materials, construction materials, demolition materials, tents, etc., you may notify the Dept. of Town Fire Marshal at 860-870-3126.

Report suspected fire code violations:  You should notify the Dept. of Town Fire Marshal;  if you suspect that the violations are life-threatening, you should immediately notify the fire dept. by calling Central Dispatch at 911.