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Welcome to the Town of Ellington

Assessment Appeals


The Board of Assessment Appeals meets annually in March to hear the appeals of taxpayers who feel that they have been aggrieved. If an extension is granted for the Grand List filing, the Board of Assessment Appeals then meets in April.

  • The BAA Application is due back to the Assessor's Office by February 20th. The Office is accepting applications via email, fax, the drop box in front of Town Hall, or in person.

The filing deadline for an appeal is February 20th (March 20th if an extension is granted). Please note: although meetings are open to the public, hearings are by appointment only. After a completed application has been received by the Board, a meeting time is assigned for each applicant.

Spring hearings will be held on the following dates: March 11, 13 & 18, 2024.

The Board will also meet on September 9, 2024 to hear appeals on motor vehicles. The September meetings do not require an appointment as that meeting runs on a first come, first served basis.

Instructions for Filing:

Ellington taxpayers may appeal their property assessment by completing the "Application to Appeal" form and filing the form in the Assessor's office on or before February 20th in a year without an extension, Section 12-111 of the Connecticut General Statutes states that "The written appeal shall include, but is not limited to, the property owner's name, name and position of the signer, description of the property which is the subject of the appeal, name and mailing address of the party to be sent all correspondence by the board of assessment appeals, reason for the appeal, appellant's estimate of value, signature of property owner, or duly authorized agent of the property owner, and date of signature."

The statutory requirement for a written appeal can be satisfied by completing the top sections on the appeal form. "The board shall notify each aggrieved taxpayer who filed a written appeal in the proper form and in a timely manner, no later than March 1 immediately following the assessment date, of the date, time and place of the appeal hearing." (CGS Sec. 12-111). Each appellant will have 15 minutes to present the appeal.

  1. The Appeal Form must be completed in its entirety.  The following provides explanation to the sections requiring completion.
  2. The property owner information is self explanatory.
  3. Provide the appellant information if it is different than the property owner. Also, the property owner must designate the name of the appellant in writing and attach the notice to the application.
  4. Provide the contact information if different than the property owner. Contact information must include a phone number.
  5. The grand list is for October 1, 2023. The list number is on the assessment notification.
  6. List the street address/location in the property description section and check the appropriate property type.
  7. In the reason for the appeal, identify the differences in the assessment that would reduce the assessment value.
  8. Appellant must state the estimated property value.
  9. Please attach all relevant documentation to support the appeal when you submit your application. 

10. Sign and date the form.

11. The Board of Assessment Appeals will review the application and return a copy of the form with the date and time of the hearing.