Use of Town Property - Policies & Procedures
1. Individuals or groups wishing to use Town Property for a private function (i.e. scout activity, wedding) must complete the Town Property Use Form.
2. The person or persons making application for use of Town property shall agree to indemnify the Town of Ellington for any damage to Town property by any person or persons attending said event. And likewise to relieve the Town of Ellington from all liability damage or loss to property or injury to person or persons of any one attending this event. Applicant must provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance, naming the Town of Ellington as additional insured.
3. Should damage be incurred during use of the facility, a written report must be filed with the First Selectman’s Office by the applicant within 24 hours.
4. If there is an incident of misconduct, your group will be asked to leave and future use may be forbidden.
5. Applicants must comply with all Town regulations, including public safety rules. No alcohol or illegal substances are allowed on Town property. No dogs are allowed in Town parks where posted.
6. No activity/event shall be allowed to charge a gate admission fee.
7. Youth groups will not be allowed to use the facility until the adult supervisor is present.
8. Remove all trash and/or equipment at the end of your event. Leave the area as you found it.
9. If you plan to have a bonfire or open cooking fire, you must complete the Bonfire/Campfire Permit Application Form and attach it to this Town Property Use Form.
10. If 50 or more people are anticipated to attend, the applicant must complete a Notice of Proposed Outside Public Assembly Form and attached it to this Town Property Use Form. Cost incurred for required security is to be assumed by the applicant.
11. If you are selling food, you must complete the North Central District Health Department Temporary Food Service Application. There is no fee for a non-profit organization. Questions regarding food sales should be directed to the North Central District Health Department at 745-0383.