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Welcome to the Town of Ellington

Stormwater Management

This Stormwater Management Plan has been prepared for the Town of Ellington to protect its water quality and reduce the discharge of pollutants from the Town storm sewer system to the maximum extent practicable. 

Contact Information

For more information, please contact Thomas Modzelewski,

 Director of Public Works

University of Connecticut Nonpoint Education for Municipal Employees (NEMO)

Click here for more information on the NEMO program...

  • The UConn NEMO program provides a comprehensive online library of stormwater educational materials available to municipal officials, as well as the public. 

Residents are asked to do what they can to help keep pollution out of the Town's storm drains, because storm drains and roadside ditches lead directly to our lakes and rivers.  Oil, pet waste, leaves, trash or dirty water from washing your car that enters a storm drain gets into our lakes and rivers.  We all need to be aware of what goes into our storm drains.

What can you do?

  • Sweep fertilizer off of driveways and sidewalks, back onto your lawn.
  • Keep leaves, grass clippings, trash and fertilizers out of storm drains.
  • Do not dump motor oil, chemicals, pet waste, dirty soapy water or anything else down the storm drain. 

Keep our water clean!