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Plan Review

Plans for all new development projects, changes of use, and certain existing occupancy renovations must be approved by the Fire Marshal during the review process. The processes in each jurisdiction are different. It can be confusing to determine the right person to talk to about a project and to find the right place to submit plans. This is intended to assist applicants in finding the right fire official to talk to about their project and where to submit plans.

What kinds of plans does the Fire Marshal review? The Fire Marshal reviews most projects submitted to the Building Department during the Building Permit plan review process. The Building Department will provide the Fire Marshal the plans submitted to the Building Department. Separate plan submittals (“deferred submittal”) are required for private water lines, water tanks, fuel tanks, automatic fire sprinklers, fire alarms, commercial kitchen hood fire protection systems, and special fire suppression systems. Deferred submittals should be sent to the Building Department.

When does the Fire Marshal review my plans? Projects will be reviewed when the plans and application for a building permit are submitted. It usually requires two weeks to complete the initial review. You will be contacted directly if the Fire Prevention Bureau has questions or corrections, and when the plans have been approved.